So what’s the deal with over-striding?
Does this have anything to do with “strides” or “striders?”
We are going to hash all of this out today…
When we take a client through our comprehensive 3D Running analysis session at AWAKEN, they will end up getting categorized into one of twelve different main running form categories.
The first four categories all have one common denominator - over-striding!
So what even is over-striding then?
Overstriding means that a runner’s foot is landing too far in front of the body when it makes contact with the ground.
Basically this happens when the runner’s leg “reaches” too far in front of the body.
To get into specifics for just a second, the “strike from center of mass” is the measurement that our 3D system identifies (a measurement of how far in front of the body the foot is landing) and we are looking for that value to typically be approximately 25-29 cm with no more than a 2cm difference between legs.
This may be just a naturally learned pattern or also can tend to occur more when runners are fatigued and try to “over-reach” in order to pick up the pace.
When this over-striding pattern happens, it is usually accompanied by an excessive heel strike and forward shin angle - all factors that actually cause the leg to experience more of a braking or jarring force.
Over-striding not only increases the forces placed into the limb usually leading to an increase in injury risk, but it is a less efficient pattern as the runner has to pull their body over their leg instead of the leg acting more like a spring that can load and then explode off the ground.
For these reasons, over-striding is typically one of the very first things that we address when working with a client that presents with this pattern!
A common misconception a lot of runners have been taught is that if they’re trying to go faster, then they should open up their stride; many also think that doing “strides” or “striders” at the end of a run is the time to really open things up.
But I would argue that for most distance runners, they would benefit from focusing on pulling their legs underneath their body more and trying to quickly get their feet off the ground!
Another great cue to try to decrease over-striding is to focus on driving or punching your knees forward while running - a low knee drive can be another factor correlated with over-striding.
Are you ready to take your running to the next level!?
At AWAKEN, our 3-Dimensional Running Gait Analysis service is a 90-minute session that includes a running-specific movement screen, a helix 3D running gait analysis, a 10-page packet detailing the results of the analysis, and individualized running cues, drills, and exercises for your individual running form.
This analysis gives clients a visual representation of what they usually can FEEL while running, but may not be able to verbalize very well!
It also can typically explain why a client has been having certain issues with a nagging injury/pain or why they feel like they can’t figure out what’s holding them back from unlocking their running potential!
Our 3D running analysis gives us all the details on your running form to help determine the BEST individualized mobility and strength plan to help YOU become a stronger, faster, and less injury-prone runner!
Reach out via the link below to request a FREE phone consultation and learn about how a 3D Running Analysis at AWAKEN can help you AWAKEN YOUR POTENTIAL!!!
Written by: Dr. Gregory Lowe, PT, DPT, cert. MDT, CSCS and Mackenzie Lowe