Raise your hand if you've ever experienced an episode of neck or lower back pain...
I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say that likely almost everyone reading this would raise their hand if they were being honest!
In fact there's some statistics that estimate approximately half of all working Americans experience back pain each year...
And it has been estimated that our healthcare system spends approximately $50 BILLION each year on low back pain alone!
Yep, that is $50 BILLION WITH A "B."
Now how many of you have heard of the McKenzie Method (aka Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy - MDT)?
The McKenzie Method is a specific style of orthopedic rehab developed originally in the 1950's by a physiotherapist named Robin Mckenzie and continues to be one of the most reliable assessment and treatment processes for neck, back, and extremity pain.
The Mckenzie Method consists of 4 primary steps including:
Assessment - taking a thorough history of the symptoms and then performing a standardized movement evaluation to see how your symptoms and range of motion change with repeatedly moving in various directions.
Classification - using the information gathered from the assessment, the clinician will aim to classify the symptom response into one of four unique categories of pain.
Treatment - based on the classification of the symptom response, the clinician will develop a very individualized, specific treatment plan involving practical movements and postures that can be implemented into everyday life. The goal is to be the MOST EFFECTIVE in the LEAST NUMBER OF SESSIONS and to attempt to empower the patient with the knowledge of how to manage their own symptoms!
Prevention - this is the step often forgotten about in traditional PT, but it is arguably the MOST IMPORTANT! The goal here is to give patients the confidence that they can actually prevent the recurrence of future episodes of the pain (we probably all know all too well that neck and back pain can come and go if we don't do anything about it)!
Often times, a thorough mechanical evaluation from a certified MDT provider can SAVE PATIENTS TIME AND MONEY by identifying the root cause of the pain without expensive diagnostic tests such as x-rays, MRIs, CT scans, ultrasounds, etc.
The best part of all of this...I am a certified clinician in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy and I use these principles every single day when I'm with my clients!!!
This means that I went through a series of post-collegiate courses and passed an extensive written examination and hands-on practical to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the concepts for my patients!
A major passion of mine is teaching and helping to inspire more high-quality clinicians, and I am so excited to have the opportunity to serve as a co-host with Daemen University in order to bring one of the Mckenzie Method continuing education courses to Buffalo providing the opportunity for other local clinicians to improve their expertise in working with clients with neck pain!
So if you are reading this and wondering if you might be a good fit for a MDT evaluation, the next step is to reach out!!
All you need to do is click the button below, fill out some basic information, and I will get back to you as soon as possible!
We will schedule a completely FREE 15-20 minute phone consultation to discuss the history of your pain or injury, if you are the right fit for an MDT evaluation, and already start to develop an idea of what we can do to effectively and efficiently get you back on the right track!
AWAKEN Performance Rehab is Buffalo's running, sport, and SPINE PT specialist and we can't wait to help you get out of pain, stay out of pain, and AWAKEN YOUR POTENTIAL!
